What is Your Garage Door Telling You? Discover Our Expert Installment and Repair Work Solutions Today!

What is Your Garage Door Telling You? Discover Our Expert Installment and Repair Work Solutions Today!


Apply the DIY preventative care tips and leverage Jennings’ expertise when issues eventually arise to keep your household’s garage space functioning safely, conveniently and reliably helping protect vehicles and possessions securely stored inside.

What is Your Garage Door Telling You? Licensed and insured garage door replacement service near my area. Discover Our Expert Installment and Repair Work Solutions Today! - Pulleys

  • Garage door opener
  • Emergency release
  • Sensors
  • Insulation materials
Jennings services the Riverview area including FishHawk, Ruskin, Apollo Beach and Sun City Center with over 10 years experience helping homeowners with new garage door installations plus timely maintenance and qualified repairs. For questions or to request quotes on any residential garage door need, contact Jennings Garage Door Service at (813) 955-7813. As one of the largest moving parts of any home, garage doors provide homeowners with convenient vehicle access, valuable storage space, protection from weather, added insulation, enhanced security and can even boost curb appeal when properly maintained. With good DIY preventative care or professional installation and repairs when needed, your garage door system can give your household decades of smooth, trouble-free use. Emergency release With good DIY preventative care or professional installation and repairs when needed, your garage door system can give your household decades of smooth, trouble-free use.

We also highlight Jennings Garage Door Service, a trusted local company providing expert garage door installation, replacement, maintenance and repair services to homeowners in Riverview, Lithia, FishHawk, Apollo Beach, Sun City, Ruskin and surrounding areas. Keep reading this guide to gain the DIY knowledge and professional servicer resources needed to enhance convenience, safety and satisfaction from your home’s garage space for years to come. Garage doors come in three main architectural styles - traditional sectional, carriage house and contemporary full view. Consider the Pros and Cons of each to find the ideal fit for your home aesthetic and needs:The classic sectional door features 4-6 long steel, aluminum, fiberglass or vinyl panels fitted together to roll upward along a vertical track to open. Consider the Pros and Cons of each to find the ideal fit for your home aesthetic and needs:The classic sectional door features 4-6 long steel, aluminum, fiberglass or vinyl panels fitted together to roll upward along a vertical track to open.

Carriage doors mimic rustic dual barn style doors with decorative hardware and often arched tops. The embossed steel construction comes painted to resemble weathered wood. These elegant doors magnificently capture old world charm for homes wanting to emulate rustic carriage houses of the past. Full view garage doors feature floor-to-ceiling panels of glass or acrylic to deliver a bold, modern visual statement. Full view garage doors feature floor-to-ceiling panels of glass or acrylic to deliver a bold, modern visual statement.

The automated garage door opener mechanism enhances convenience by eliminating the need to manually lift doors that can weigh over 300 pounds.

What is Your Garage Door Telling You? Discover Our Expert Installment and Repair Work Solutions Today! - Emergency release

  • Emergency release
  • Sensors
  • Insulation materials
Important considerations when choosing opener system:Chain drive – Budget-friendly with metal chain to open door but noisy and prone to wear over time. Sensors Belt drive – Delivers smooth and quiet operation using a reinforced rubber belt. Locks More expensive initially but very durable and low maintenance. More expensive initially but very durable and low maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you open a garage door with a broken spring and cable?

Why is garage door light blinking and not closing?

Is it worth replacing logic board on garage door opener?

Why does my garage door stop halfway and go back up?